Thursday, April 30, 2015

Final Blog of the Semester

1. I did all of the papers in the class and finished them comfortably. I was happier with the way I did this semester than how I did last semester. My writing was more consistent this semester and I was able to maintain better grades. The two semesters were kind of opposite of each other. The first semester, I started out slow and then warmed up to the writing process that we use in this class. During the second semester, I started off getting good grades and staying on top of my work. Towards the end of the semester I started to get lazy and slack off a little bit. Also, I was not entirely sure if I missed any blog posts. I probably did because I was not very consisted on keeping up with the blog. Besides the blogs, I did all of the work. I also participated in class a lot. The semester was fun and I am glad that I was able to get the same professor as last semester.

2. I always try to do my very best on the blogs and papers that I wrote. For the blogs, I just wrote exactly what I was feeling at that time. The blogs were somewhat of a free write or rant, but I thought they turned out good. I followed the writing process for the papers so that they would turn on good enough. I tried to make each one better than the last so that each paper was a learning experience.

3. I took away a couple strategies for writing from this class. I learned to write early and revise often. I also learned different ways of writing and strategies for specific type of papers. I also have some memories from this class. Between the two semesters, I have made many friends and memories. This class was a good experience and made it an easy transition from high school to college during the first semester. In high school, my teachers did not really like my style of writing. On most of my papers, I would receive, at the highest, B's. But coming into college and receiving good grades in a writing class definitely helped boost my confidence a little. I took away a lot within the two semesters that I took in this course. I will never forget some of the things that I learned in this class. Life is about experiences and I am very happy that I was a part of this experience.