Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"After Innocence" Questions

What did you learn fro the movie?

I learned that the judicial system is flawed in many ways. It fails to prove innocent people innocent and gives sentences to the wrong people. Innocent people are in jail today just cause the judicial system just wants to accuse someone of a crime that they did not commit. Also if the court makes a mistake, they do not want to seem stupid so they do not reverse their decision. This is unethical and wrong in so many ways. The real person who committed the crime is walking free while an innocent person is serving jail time and sometimes even facing death row for something they did not even do.

What surprised you?

Something that surprised me was the amount of people in jail that were actually innocent. There are hundreds, probably thousands, that are still in jail that are innocent. The judicial and court system are flawed and still are. I was also surprised that it took the judicial system till 2003 to start using DNA as evidence in crimes. As one of the exonerated prisoners said "DNA is God's footprint. You can't deny DNA." This is a crucial piece of evidence to every single crime now-a-days which is why it surprises me that it took them that long.

What questions remain after the viewing?

A question that still remains is where are these exonerated prisoners now? This movie was released in 2005 so maybe some of these people could have turned their lives around. You never know what someone with that much will power can do. If you want to be successful bad enough, you will be successful.

What would you like to know more about?

I would like to know more about each individual case. Maybe some information was left out of their cases or some information was simplified due to time sake for the documentary. I would also like to know if some of these organizations have been successful in helping innocent prisoners or exonerated prisoners become successful. I don't even know what these organizations could do to help out people who are in jail. How can you argue with the government and the court? It is a stick situation.

Was there a specific scene or segment that stayed with you and caused you to be curious? delighted? angry? motivated?

A scene that angered me was when Wilton Dedge was proven innocent three years earlier and they still did not release him. I don't understand how you can take someone's life away from them just so you don't seem stupid. This amazed me in a bad way. This makes me take a look at the United States judicial system. The reason it is a system is to make sure that it is fair and just. That decision was not fair or just. Dedge was an innocent man in prison for 22 years. When he was released he was 42. He missed the prime years of his life. He missed almost all of his 20s and all of his 30s. That is seriously messed up. This segment left a sour taste in my mouth.

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