Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Post Rant Questions

Did the article you reviewed about your problematic concept change your view on the topic?

The article that I read did not change my view on the problem whatsoever. The article actually supported my opinion on this problem. The article talked about how the exonerated prisoners had to apply for "Proof of Innocence" papers which is completely bogus. This finding supports my opinion of this problematic concept fully. I could not believe how our judicial system, which is supposed to be fair and just, was flawed. This article did not change my view point on this problem in anyway and it dug me into a deeper hole of disappoint in our judicial system.

Did it influence your decision about how to post and where? In what ways?

The article did not really influence where I was going to post the question for my problematic concept. I posted the question on Twitter because that is really the only social media that I use on a consistent basis. I only use Facebook for communicating with old friends and the swim team has a chat on it where we can communicate things to each other. Twitter was really my only option from the start.

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