Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Some exonerated prisoners have never gotten their records expunged. Taking a deeper look into this topic, it seems that to do this you must get a "Certificate of Actual Innocence". If you ask me that is pretty bogus. Why should a person who was wrongly accused of a crime have to go out of their way in order to clear their records of something that they did not even do. That is taking away their time and energy. People have other things to do than to be wrongly accused of crimes then having to go clear their records. "Ain't nobody got time for that." The judicial system should clear their records. This is what happened to all of the exonerated prisoners in After Innocence, except their records never actually got expunged. This is a complete disgrace to what America stands for. Everyone should be able to live "the American dream." Everyone should have an equal shot. Everyone should have their freedom. Everyone should have an equal opportunity. Everyone should be treated correctly. This is the complete opposite of what America stands for. This is like me going to get my haircut. I tell the barber what I want and she does the complete opposite (this happened last night). I am probably never going to go back to Sports Clips. But besides that, the judicial system is stripping these people of their rights. They just want to have a normal life and they cannot even due that because they do not even know how to get their records expunged or the process to do that is too long and difficult. This is a shame to everything that the United States of America stands for. I chose Twitter as my platform to express my feelings over this controversial topic. I chose Twitter because really I did not know what else to use for it. I do not think there will be any repercussions for this tweet due to the fact that I am not famous or a celebrity. A benefit could come from this is that it will bring attention to this problem within our judicial system. Hopefully it was a topic that sparked interest in my followers.

1 comment:

  1. i like your tweet, especially effective as a question. a rhetorical question makes a powerful argument. nicely done! did you get any replies?
